Course Curriculum

In this course, you will be learning about:

    1. Course Overview Video

    2. Course Syllabus

    1. 1. The purpose of business activity

    2. 2. The purpose and nature of business activity

    3. 3. Economic sectors

    4. 4. Private sector and public sector in a mixed economy

    5. 6. The methods and problems of measuring business size

    6. 7. Why some businesses grow and others remain small (1)

    7. 8. Why some businesses grow and others remain small (2)

    8. 9. Why some new businesses fail

    9. 10. The main features of different forms of business organisation (1)

    10. 11. The main features of different forms of business organisation (2)

    11. 12. Businesses can have several objectives and the importance of them can change

    12. 13. The role of stakeholder groups involved in business activity

    13. 14. Differences in the objectives of private sector and public sector enterprises

    14. Notes

    15. Quizzes

    1. 15. The importance of a well-motivated workforce (1)

    2. 16. The importance of a well-motivated workforce (2)

    3. 17. Methods of motivation

    4. 19. The role of management

    5. 20. Leadership styles

    6. 21. Trade Unions

    7. 22. Recruitment and selection

    8. 23. Recruitment and selecting employees

    9. 24. The importance of training and the methods of training

    10. 25. Why reducing the size of the workforce might be necessary

    11. 26. Legal controls over employment issues

    12. 27. Why effective communication is important and the methods used to achieve it (1)

    13. 28. Why effective communication is important and the methods used to achieve it (2)

    14. 29. Demonstrate an awareness of communication barriers

    15. Notes

    16. Quizzes

    1. 30. The role of marketing

    2. 31. Market changes (1)

    3. 32. Market changes (2)

    4. 33. Concepts of niche marketing and mass marketing

    5. 34. How and why market segmentation is undertaken

    6. 35. The role of market research and methods used (1)

    7. 36. The role of market research and methods used (2)

    8. 37. Presentation and use of market research results

    9. 38. Product (1)

    10. 39. Product (2)

    11. 40. Price (1)

    12. 41. Price (2)

    13. 42. Place – distribution channels (1)

    14. 43. Place (2)

    15. 44. Promotion (1)

    16. 45. Promotion (2)

    17. 46. Technology and the marketing mix

    18. 47. Justify marketing strategies appropriate to a given situation

    19. 48. The nature and impact of legal controls related to marketing

    20. 49. The opportunities and problems of entering new foreign markets (1)

    21. 50. The opportunities and problems of entering new foreign markets pt2

    22. Notes

    23. Quizzes

    1. 51. The meaning of production (1)

    2. 52. The meaning of production (2)

    3. 53. The meaning of production (3)

    4. 54. The main methods of production

    5. 55. How technology has changed and is changing production methods

    6. 56. Identify and classify costs

    7. 57. Economies of scale

    8. 58. Diseconomics of scale

    9. 59. Break-even analysis pt1

    10. 60. Break-even analysis pt 2

    11. 61. Why quality is important and how quality production might be achieved

    12. 62. The main factors influencing the location and relocation decisions of a business (1)

    13. 63. The main factors influencing the location and relocation decisions of a business (2)

    14. Notes

    15. Quizzes

    1. 64. The need for business finance

    2. 65. The main sources of finance (1)

    3. 66. The main sources of finance (2)

    4. 67. The main sources of finance (3)

    5. 68. The importance of cash and of cash-flow forecasting (1)

    6. 69. The importance of cash and of cash-flow forecasting (2)

    7. 70. Working capital

    8. Notes

    9. Quizzes

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  • 101 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content