Course Curriculum

In this course, you will be learning about:

    1. Video: Development in Chemistry Field and Its Importance in Daily Life

    2. Video: Scientific Investigation in Chemistry

    3. Video: Usage, Management and Handling of Apparatus and Materials

    4. Note: Chapter 1 Introduction to Chemistry

    5. Quiz: Chapter 1 Introduction to Chemistry

    1. Video: Basic Concept of Matter

    2. Video: The Development of the Atomic Model

    3. Video: Atomic Structure (1)

    4. Video: Atomic Structure (2)

    5. Video: Isotopes and Its Uses

    6. Note: Chapter 2 Matter and the Atomic Structure

    7. Quiz: Chapter 2 Matter and the Atomic Structure

    1. Video: Relative Atomic Mass and Relative Molecular Mass

    2. Video: Mole Concept (1)

    3. Video: Mole Concept (2)

    4. Video: Mole Concept (3)

    5. Video: Mole Concept (4)

    6. Video: Chemical Formula (1)

    7. Video: Chemical Formula (2)

    8. Video: Chemical Formula (3)

    9. Video: Chemical Formula (4)

    10. Video: Chemical Formula (5)

    11. Video: Chemical Formula (6)

    12. Video: Chemical Formula (7)

    13. Video: Chemical Formula (8)

    14. Note: Chapter 3 The Mole Concept, Chemical Formula and Equation

    15. Quiz: Chapter 3 The Mole Concept, Chemical Formula and Equation

    1. Video: The Development of the Periodic Table of Elements

    2. Video: The Arrangement in the Periodic Table of Elements

    3. Video: Elements in Group 18

    4. Video: Elements in Group 1 (1)

    5. Video: Elements in Group 1 (2)

    6. Video: Elements in Group 1 (3)

    7. Video: Elements in Group 17 (1)

    8. Video: Elements in Group 17 (2)

    9. Video: Elements in Group 17 (3)

    10. Video: Elements in Group 17 (4)

    11. Video: Elements in Period 3

    12. Video: Transition of Elements

    13. Note: Chapter 4 The Periodic Table of Elements

    14. Quiz: Chapter 4 The Periodic Table of Elements

    1. Video: Basics of Compound Formation

    2. Video: Making Ions

    3. Video: Formation of Ionic Compounds (Sodium Fluoride)

    4. Video: Formation of Ionic Compounds (Magnesium Oxide)

    5. Video: Formation of Ionic Compounds (Aluminium Oxide)

    6. Video: Forming Any Ionic Compounds

    7. Video: Formation of Covalent Bond (Single Bonds 1)

    8. Video: Formation of Covalent Bond (Single Bonds 2)

    9. Video: Formation of Covalent Bond (Double Bonds and Triple Bonds)

    10. Video: Formation of Covalent Bond (Compounds 1)

    11. Video: Formation of Covalent Bond (Compounds 2)

    12. Video: Hydrogen Bond (1)

    13. Video: Hydrogen Bond (2)

    14. Video: Dative Bonds

    15. Video: Metallic Bond

    16. Video: Properties of Ionic Compounds and Covalent Compounds (1)

    17. Video: Properties of Ionic Compounds and Covalent Compounds (2)

    18. Video: Properties of Ionic Compounds and Covalent Compounds (3)

    19. Note: Chapter 5 Chemical Bond

    20. Quiz: Chapter 5 Chemical Bond

    1. Video: The Role of Water in Showing Acidic and Alkaline Properties (1)

    2. Video: The Role of Water in Showing Acidic and Alkaline Properties (2)

    3. Video: pH Value

    4. Video: Strength of Acids and Alkalis

    5. Video: Chemical Properties of Acids and Alkalis (1)

    6. Video: Chemical Properties of Acids and Alkalis (2)

    7. Video: Chemical Properties of Acids and Alkalis (3)

    8. Video: Chemical Properties of Acids and Alkalis (4)

    9. Video: Concentration of Aqueous Solution

    10. Video: Standard Solution (1)

    11. Video: Standard Solution (2)

    12. Video: Neutralisation (1)

    13. Video: Neutralisation (2)

    14. Video: Salts, Crystals and Their Uses in Daily Life

    15. Video: Preparation of Salt (1)

    16. Video: Preparation of Salt (2)

    17. Video: Preparation of Salt (3)

    18. Video: Preparation of Salt (4)

    19. Video: Preparation of Salt (5)

    20. Video: Effect of Heat on Salts (1)

    21. Video: Effect of Heat on Salts (2)

    22. Video: Qualitative Analysis (1)

    23. Video: Qualitative Analysis (2)

    24. Video: Qualitative Analysis (3)

    25. Video: Qualitative Analysis (4)

    26. Video: Qualitative Analysis (5)

    27. Video: Qualitative Analysis (6)

    28. Video: Qualitative Analysis (7)

    29. Video: Qualitative Analysis (8)

    30. Note: Chapter 6 Acid, Base and Salt

    31. Quiz: Chapter 6 Acid, Base and Salt

About this course

  • Free
  • 113 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content


In this course, you will be learning with:

Christina Alice

Cikgu Christina graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology. She has been teaching Chemistry to SPM and IGCSE students for more than 18 years in tuition centres and private schools.